General Conditions

Quality, Safety, Health and Environment Conditions

RMI has an active policy on the fields of quality, safety and environment, to ensure that we provide services to our customers on the high level of quality and with to expected guarantee for safety and expected level of protection of the environment. To facilitate this we operate management system based on the principles of ISO 9001 and SQAS Transport Services, HACCP and GMP animal Feed.

We expect from all our subcontractors to carry out accepted transport orders in accordance with these standards.

  1. General
    1. All jobs will be carried out according to the job specific written instructions that are issued by fax or email as well as the general instructions that are included in this quality, safety and heath conditions.
    2. The subcontractor complies to all legal national and international requirements during the execution of the job. All staff of the subcontractor will be informed and instructed accordingly.
    3. The subcontractor is in the possession of all legally required transport permits.
    4. Subcontractors that carry out animal feed transport orders must be in the possession of a valid GMP animal feed certificate.
    5. The subcontractor is ensures that transport order information will be dealt with in strict confidentiality and will instruct it’s drivers as such. Specific notice will be given to High Consequence Dangerous Goods.
    6. The subcontractor takes all necessary means to prevent the vehicle for distortion, theft or other criminal activity.
    7. The subcontractor must implement a drug and alcohol policy in which it is prohibited to carry out any loading, unloading or transport activity if one is under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Same rules apply to the use of medication which influences proper operations.
  2. Staff
    1. Drivers that carry out transport orders for RMI must be in the possession of the legally required driver permit(s) and professional education (such as ADR certificates).
    2. Drivers that operate jobs for RMI must be subject to periodical medical examination.
    3. Implementation of Behavior Based Safety training programs and defensive driving is desirable.
    4. If ADR classified goods are being transported for RMI the subcontractor must have appointed a dangerous goods safety advisor according to the EU directive. The Dangerous goods safety advisor possess a valid certificate of proficiency.
    5. Drivers that execute transport orders concerning ADR products for RMI must be in the possession of the legally required ADR-equipment (PSU-equipment), including the equipment additionally required by the Tremcard.
  3. Equipment
    1. The subcontractor will supply transport material to execute the transport order which complies to all legal requirements and specific provisions which are required in the written transport order (fax or email).
    2. The subcontractor will provide al legally required inspections and carry out a preventative maintenance program. All equipment that will be provided for RMI transport orders will be in good condition.
    3. Discharge hoses will be subject to pressure testing on an annual basis. PPE-equipment, safety equipment and other accessories will be checked at regular intervals.
  4. Quality, safety, health and environment
    1. The subcontractor will report non-conformances (quality, safety and environment) immediately to RMI. Amongst others this will include: delays, breakdown en route, cargo damage, safety and environmental accidents, product contamination and cargo losses, missing or incorrect transport documents, wrong labeling, near misses and dangerous situations or unsafe conditions at loading or unloading locations.
    2. The subcontractor will report all emergency situations concerning to safety and product quality to RMI. In emergency situations the 24/7 emergency phone number is: +31 (0)10 283 1100
    3. The subcontractor is not allowed to subcontract accepted transport orders of RMI to any other third party.
    4. The subcontractor will instruct it’s drivers such that in case of the transportation of dangerous goods, the driver will use as much as is possible the motor(high)ways, unless legally dictated otherwise. When transporting hazardous cargo the built-up areas must be avoided at all times, except when this is necessary for loading/ discharging, when there is no other possibility or when routing this is legally required.
    5. The subcontractor ensures that parking of loaded vehicles will be done in a responsible manner, and where possible on designated, approved and guarded parking places.
    6. The subcontractor undertakes to have all relevant insurances to cover its liabilities under the agreement. Damage to the environment should also be covered in this insurance policy.
    7. The subcontractor has coverage for damage and/or loss to transported goods, for which he is responsible according to the transport conditions or standards in the law. This means: a coverage for domestic transport according to AVC-conditions (The Netherlands); for international transport there is a coverage according to CMR-conditions.
    8. The subcontractor has a fully comprehensive coverage for material damage to or loss/theft of the material that RMI (Tank(container)s) has made available and with which the subcontractor carries out the assignments RMI.
    9. The subcontractor will ensure that the last load that is carried in a tank(container) is mentioned on the cleaning certificate as well as the method of cleaning and that the auxiliary equipment that is cleaned. All tanks must be completely clean without residue of last product or cleaning detergents and must be odorless.
    10. The subcontractor will ensure that the tank(container) will be sealed after cleaning and after loading and that the seal numbers are recorded on respectively the cleaning document and the waybill (CMR).
    11. The subcontractor will instruct its drivers strictly to adhere all safety and other instructions that apply on the loading and unloading locations.
    12. The subcontractor will instruct it’s drivers that In case of food and animal feed transport all basic hygiene rules must be adhered to.

R.M.I. Global Logistics B.V. © Rotterdam, 2013